Today was the first day since April 16 where I googled my blog. I have to admit, I did not even know the address! It has been too long. I know I should sit and force myself to write more - but where to find the time? After all, there are only 24 hours in a day.
The 2013-14 school year finished up smooth. In May and June, I had the opportunity to attend PD that was refreshing and rejuvenating to my career, professional goals, and interests. I made deeper connections with colleagues and narrowed my focus of interest.
For the first time in June, I marked diploma exams. This was something I had never done before. I had always heard how it was great professional development and, of course, a rigorous activity. Upon the advice and encouragement of a colleague, I took a leap of faith and signed up to mark.
For six days at the end of June, I marked ELA 30-2. It was fabulous - I had an inspiring table leader and interesting people at my table with common interests and goals. We made a great connection right at the start. From the training provided, I was able to assess many ideas/competencies regarding my ability as a marker and the standards I have been passing along to my own students. From marking, I realized that I have the training, from working at an Outreach school for two years, to sustain the rigor of diploma exam marking. I can not wait for January to do it again.
Currently, I am teaching ELA 30-1 at summer school. It is intense. The school day is from 8:00 to 12:00 and at home I am completing 2 to 3 hours of preparation. This is where the "Mommy Guilt" ensues. My boys are active and want to be outside playing. At times, I am struggling to fit in my work, activities, and ME time.
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