I have been on the blogging fence for a while. I have argued the pros, the cons, and the "well.. maybe" and the "never". However, I have always been intrigued by the aspect of blogging for many reasons.
1. I have a lot to say;
2. As an educator, I should/need blog for professional reasons;
3. I love to write, learn, reflect.
4. Suffer from anxiety
5. Mindful of what others might think
I began blogging professionally last year for a professional development activity I was involved in. Even then, I was anxious about the quality of my posts. The "perfectionist" English teacher always reigned me (along with the negative self talk) in and made blogging seem like an chore.
This school year I attended a PD inservice where I created and started a blog for my professional portfolio. Because I am a temporary contract, showcasing my strengths/abilities, career highlights, and pedagogical knowledge keeps me competitive or gives me an edge. Once I took the leap - I found that I enjoyed the blogging experience and found value in writing posts. I let go of the perfectionism and the negative self talk.
I was finding that my blog - kept me restricted. There were times I wanted to blog about life, books I read, and non education things... So, with some careful consideration, I decide to put myself out there...